Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

in the face of your present joy

Happiness: is a state of complete bliss which allows you to forget all your anxieties in the face of your present joy.  It is easily attainable through new experiences and spending time with good friends.

gave it my all

I guess the way I define happiness is trying my best in everything I do. I also find that to be one of the most difficult things to accomplish. 

happiest/scariest moments

I raced bikes all through high school in america and was used to a bike race with 50 to 70 people MAX. Junior year I had the wonderful chance to go abroad to Germany for a year and while I was there I raced on a German team. My first race depicted in the pictures contained 200 people! all between the ages of 17 and 19 none the less! talk about the happiest/scariest moments of my life.

comedic celebration of life

A. makes me laugh heartedly and B. is a comedic celebration of life and family.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a condition of the heart

Happiness is loving ones self and others. It's being content with current situations and making the best out of life.  It's certainly not determined by wealth or material possessions but rather a condition of the heart and a peace of mind.

mustaches are flipping hilarious and his is growing into his nose

I found him on a blog where you rate historically important people from one to ten, hottness only. I guess it's sort of a good-natured rib on our culture, and it was sort of nice to have all these people similarly interested in this sort of long-gone world. You learn a lot. ALSO, mustaches are flipping hilarious and his is growing into his nose. 

Self Affirmations

"I am  fearfully  and wonderfully made."

I am a Powerful, Intelligent, and Fulfilled young woman. Relaxed and Patient, Confidently Connecting with myself and you.

Make time for yourself.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

You create amazing work.

JESUS loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so...
even when i don't necessarily love myself

"I, the imperfect, embrace the perfect whole."


I am funny and cute, even if I am the only person to ever see it.

 I am made of stronger stuff than the forces that oppose me.

Monday, September 29, 2008

flaws and all

I've decided that happiness is simply contentment with yourself and your current situation, flaws and all.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

accept the moments in your life that aren't so happy

Happiness to me is the ability to accept that you wont always be happy. If you're not careful happiness can be like a disease. It can make you live life with expectations of a perfect ending. Sometimes I say to myself...why is it so hard for me to be happy? And then I realize that the reason I'm not happy is because I'm unable to let go of some thing. I hold onto that something for a long time analyzing  it, and picking it apart. Then I get frustrated because I can't get it to do anything or go anywhere and the problem grows. I must learn to acknowledge these unhappy moments, accept them, and move on.I believe that an good word to describe happiness is contentment. Yes, sometimes that implies that you are comfortable and there for "happy" and having fun but it also teaches you to accept the moments in your life that aren't so happy without letting them drag you down.


doing the exact same moves: laughter is the best Medicine

this picture is of my sister and I. This was an amazing moment we shared on stage performing with Keller Williams one of the well known musicians in the Jam Band Community. The part that was the most special was that we decided to go out on stage without any idea what each of us was going to do and It turned out the we ended up doing exactly the same moves at exactly the same moments without even planning it. This is a moment where me and my sister we ridding the same brain waves and we were doing it together in the same moment. It was beautiful. If you look at each of the picture we are doing the exact same wasn't planned this way. It just happened. We were so happy.


Laughter is The Best Medicine

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

responses to: How Do You Define Happiness?

Acts 20:35
" ...I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

The thing that makes me happiest is to give things to people. Perhaps they needed a touch, a hug, a drawing, a message of love, or encouragement, these things bring me the most Joy. They fulfill my the promise of my name. Something that has been resonating in my mind is that we have been blessed to be a blessing...I am happiest when I fulfill that; when I use the my blessings of health, spirit, love, creativity, and joy to bring that into others' lives who may for some reason been denied that by this world's crushing circumstances. I am thankful for all that I have, and feel like it is too much for one person...which when I give these things away I am gaining more for myself. I suppose what I am getting at is that, especially with children, being able to give that fraction of the gifts that God has given me such a my smile, drawing, laughter, health...being able to use these to brighten lives in return makes my life all the brighter. This
equals joy for me.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I have to spend time everyday in a garden, mine preferably, but I will take what I can get. I like the feel of dirt in my hands and under my fingernails. Digging a hole, planting a seed, watching it sprout and mature is extremely gratifying.

I also enjoy walks with my two dogs, we usually go out three to four times a day. One of them is nearing the end of his life, the other is just beginning his. The remind me everyday that happiness can be found in the simplest of activities, like taking a promenade around the neighborhood, or a ride in the car.

Looking at art and thinking about what the artist may be expressing in a piece, and how they express it, nourishes my being. I'm serious about that. I really can't live without those experiences.

Although it's difficult to get there often enough I relish every moment I spend in Craon, a quaint village in the Loire Valley of France. I consider it my hometown.

Laughter is Best Medicine: "This is Love and Happiness"

Laughter is Best Medicine

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

solitary acts Together 9/14/08: I like Happy Things

sat outside underneath a tree at night.

Solitary Acts Together 9/14/08: Scatters Your Force!

"The objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is, that it scatters your force. "Ralph Waldo Emerson

oh what a beautiful union! We played gospel classics such as "I'll fly away" and " We Shall Overcome". What a great way to forget your troubles.

Solitary Acts Together 9/14/08: We're Gonna Try That Out!

We filled the Dodge Painting building ( main lobby and Warren's Studio) with beautiful sound. There was a little hesitance at first but we quickly warmed up. 

Solitary Acts Together 9/13/08: hold fast to what you have

Faith is something relatively new  to us so it seemed natural to discuss our fears which blossomed into a sincere and fruitful conversation. We ended up sharing personal revelations and experiences. It was a great start to this project.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Solitary Acts Together

Venture: Euphoria wants to help you enjoy the simple things in life!
What activities aide in the centering of your being?
Where do you go to escape all the chaos of the day?
Venture: Euphoria wants you to share this secret and then 
you'll be in for a surprise!
all you have to do is send an email to: with the subject
list a few activities that bring you comfort/enjoyment ( for example perhaps it is drinking tea or going on a walk)
  and be prepared to divert for the hustle and bustle
 in a mutual exertion as momentary freedom
and expression of love.

Friday, September 5, 2008

responses to: What is happiness?

Smiles. Singing. Sunlight. Personal experience of living for meaning, rather looking for meaning. Understanding.

Happiness is escaping from thoughts of tomorrow and troubles from yesterday.

I find fulfillment and satisfaction in my life from interacting with other people on a constant basis.

Happiness, as I see it, is the knowledge that you're appreciated, whether it is by your family or friends

baking something sweet like cookies or a cake

Hearing the rain and having a warm cup of tea in my hands.

when you laugh your hardest and no one else is there.

Happiness is subjective and symbiotic. This is not a cold definition, this is outside of my personal definition which is; An overwhelming sensation that moves your consciousness and body into a direction you believe is positive.

"Happiness for me is something that is only achievable by giving to others. By this I mean service. it can be as simple as opening a door or picking up something that was dropped. It makes me happy to be a generally good person. I like to be kind; I like to be helpful. Happiness is also being yourself, without any doubt. Being able to fully express yourself and do what is right for you, is happiness. Family and togetherness is happiness."

"My definition of happiness is having a total sense of balance. I consider 'happy' to be my neutral ground, emotionally and mentally."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

question to spark responses....HOW DO YOU DEFINE HAPPINESS?



is it through:

creativity? love? relaxation?

what do these things mean to you?

share your joy!

 Send responses via email (

and I will if it is okay with you post 

your wonderful statements here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

first project soon! Need willing participants!

send to

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happiness has nothing to do with a paycheck 

Monday, July 28, 2008

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, laughter is the best medicine!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

idea from Horoscope:

Something as simple as wearing mismatched socks can give you a new perspective.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Laughter Is The Best Medicine!!

cha cha cha
ja ja ja

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

project liberation at THE BODY SHOW SHOW THIS FRIDAY

A collaborative installation 

and exhibition of 

sophomore, junior, and

 senior artworks from the 

Sculpture Department of

 the Kansas City Art Institute

MAY 2nd 5-8pm 2008

at the body shop in 

downtown KC on the SE 

corner of 24th and Summit

entrance and parking in rear 


featuring Project liberation


entries by Tim LaFerney and Jackie Caferelli

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Project: Liberation

some select photos that have been complied for the presentation on May 2nd.